For many years I have written occasional articles about issues of Jewish law and ethics for the Jewish Chronicle newspaper. The JC has a landing page for me as an author.
Here are links to some articles.
Meet the Orthodox Jew policing Parliament – If an MP misbehaves, there’s a new man to call. Meet Daniel Greenberg, Westminster sleaze-buster
The Jewish Chronicle wrote an article about my book “Getting a Get”. The article titled “Rabbis could go to jail if get practices don’t change, warns new book” can be read here.
MPs and Rabbis move to solve divorce crisis (includes quotes by Daniel Greenberg)
New parliamentary group formed as dayanim meet abuse charities
The lifestyle of many Charedim has become incompatible with Judaism (written by Daniel Greenberg)
Why Rabbis should put their court in order (written by Daniel Greenberg)
A new bill may be aimed at Sharia courts, but there are issues for our Batei Din as well.
Universal jurisdiction should not be fudged (written by Daniel Greenberg)
Gambling is not in the spirit of Judaism (written by Daniel Greenberg)