Since leaving the UK Government Parliamentary Counsel Office in 2010 and up until the end of 2022 I maintained a UK and international drafting practice.
I drafted legislation (including primary and subordinate government legislation, private Members’ Bills, and amendments to Government Bills) for a range of public bodies and third sector organisations in the UK and abroad. I trained legislative drafters and other public officials and third sector legal and policy advisers in reading and applying legislation. I advised on the meaning of legislation in specific contexts.
You can see a list of legislation that I drafted while I was in the Parliamentary Counsel Office here and a list of legislation that I have drafted since leaving the Parliamentary Counsel Office here.
Southern Africa
Up until the end of 2022 I participated in another of the series of consultative forums on the SADC (Southern African Development Community) PF Model Law on Public Financial Management – the meetings raised wonderfully constructive points that will strongly enhance the Model Law.
I have been involved in drafting a range of legislation for Gibraltar since 2012, particularly on tax and financial services. Up until the end of 2019, I worked primarily on implementing European Legislation. Up until the end of 2022 I also worked on two new Bills in new areas of law.
Solomon Islands
Since 2016 I had been working with Solomon Islands Government officials on the suite of legislation implementing the Public Financial Management Act 2013. From 2018 up until the end of 2022 I had also been involved in drafting the Public Service Management Act for the Solomon Islands Government, and I spent time in Honiara participating in the Bill taskforce in autumn 2019.
Isle of Man
Up until the end of 2022 I have been involved in a number of legislative projects for the Isle of Man Government over the past few years, including a Planning Bill, Brexit legislation, utilities law and an Education Bill.
Up until the end of 2022 I was involved in a maritime law project for the Maritime and Coastguard Agency.
Falkland Islands
Since 2010 up until the end of 2022 I have drafted legislation for the Falkland Islands on a range of issues. In 2012 I prepared a report on the revision of the Falkland Islands statute book, and I advised the Falkland Islands Government on the implementation of that report.
Sri Lankan Government in Colombo
In early 2019 I spent two weeks training officials of the Legislative Drafting Department of the Sri Lankan Government in Colombo. We covered a wide range of subjects including the implementation of international conventions and complexities of commencement and retrospection, and we went through a number of practical exercises. We also considered the core values and principles of a drafting office with a view to the development of new guidelines for the Department.
In November – December 2019 I returned to Sri Lanka to continue the course of legislative drafting training and to provide drafting support and advice.
In February 2020 I had the pleasure of hosting three senior Sri Lankan judges in Westminster for a day working on legislation issues.
Up until the end of 2022 I was working with the Sri Lankan LDD on formulating the drafting guidelines into an office manual.
In October 2013 I traveled to Myanmar to conduct a series of seminars on legislative drafting and statutory interpretation for the Office of the Attorney General of the Union, organised by the United Nations Development Programme and representing the House of Commons. Here are some photos from my trip.
In 2014 I returned to Myanmar for UNDP to consolidate progress on issues discussed in my first visit, and to develop guidelines on legislative scrutiny in cooperation with local officials.
In 2012 and 2015 I was commissioned by the Attorney General’s Chambers and ILKAP to deliver seminars in Malaysia on legislative interpretation and drafting. The sessions were video-recorded and are used in local training.